Crafting Bucket List for 2023

Create Your Own Sewing Bucket List
Are you an avid sewer looking to shake up your sewing game? Do you love the idea of creating a bucket list for yourself to stay organised and motivated? Look no further! Our free “Crafting Goals for 2023” bucket list is designed to help you set goals for the upcoming year.
With our step-by-step guide, you can create achievable sewing goals and have fun doing it. Let’s get started!
Step 1: Get inspired.
The first step in creating your own sewing bucket list is to look around and find inspiration. Think about what type of projects or techniques inspire you or make you want to learn more. Make a list of all the things that excite you and would be great additions to your goal list.
Step 2: Narrow down items on your list.
Once you have created your initial list, it’s time to narrow it down a bit, so that it is manageable and doable within the year. Choose a few items that are realistic enough to complete in the next 12 months. To make it even easier, break each item into smaller tasks that can be accomplished with more ease. For example, if one of your goals is to master quilting, break that down into smaller steps like learning how to use rotary cutters or mastering half square triangle blocks.
Step 3: Set deadlines for each task on your list.
Setting deadlines will ensure that you stay on track and motivated during the process of completing each item on your bucket list. It also helps keep things manageable by giving yourself mini challenges throughout the year instead of trying too hard to accomplish everything at once! Working towards a deadline can be fun and rewarding when done correctly; take some time out of every week dedicated solely towards completing different items from your craft bucket list, so that by the end of 2023 you will have achieved all of them!
Crafting Goals for 2023 is here to help sewers create their own unique bucket lists—full of achievable goals they can enjoy while working towards mastering new techniques or projects they never dreamed possible before!
Download our free bucket list template OR use our pre-filled bucket list for ideas!
p.s we would love to see your bucket list - please take a photo and post it on our facebook group!
Have fun crafting and good luck achieving all those awesome sewing goals this year has in store for us! : )
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